Exceptional quality Extraordinary service
Next Generation Homes is a New Zealand SPC flooring company, established in Auckland. We have 20 collective years in shipping and installing quality flooring on the Auckland market.
So why SPC?
SPC stands for stone plastic composite. Compared to wood flooring SPC is renowned for being 100% waterproof with unparalleled UV-resistance and durability, these engineered luxury flooring planks use modern technologies to beautifully mimic a natural wood look at a lower price range.
Our SPC products look like all-time-favourite wood, specifically designed for easy cleaning and are the best alternative even for floors with high foot traffic, such as hotels and restaurants - although often used in the domestic environments.
Ease of Use
Our team of trained professionals is happy to give you a free NO OBLIGATION quote and measure at your home. Product will be delivered and installed by a professional - we are dedicated to help you transition your home to the NEXT GENERATION!
Our Services
We are happy to give you a free quote to make sure all preliminary things are considered.
We are happy to provide samples of our product to make the color choice easier and plan ahead.
Our team of professional installers will tailor and implement a unique solution to make your floor look perfect.
Future Proofing
Modern technologies of our SPC flooring have all the necessary features to keep your home beautiful for a long time.
We would be happy to recieve your feedback and work together throughout all the steps of planning and installation.
Together with Next Generation Homes you can build a brighter future for your home.